ORSA Technologies LLC is contracted to support The Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI), Project Manager for Instrumentation, Targets, Threat Simulators and SOF Training Systems (PM ITTS) is the premier provider for education, training, and knowledge-based services in support of its mission. PM ITTS mission is to provide and operate effective and relevant test, training, and threat capabilities in support of the Army and other customers. To effectively conduct responsive acquisition, PM ITTS requires support providing timely access to a variety of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) within needed timeframes for both future Cyber and Test and Evaluation (T&E) acquisition activities and for ongoing project support. This facilitates necessary risk reduction using unique expertise both during pre-acquisition and ongoing development. In some cases, this SME need is transitory and in others it is persistent. Program support requires SMEs to keep pace with technology advancement.